woddupu’s diary


Bokuranofurusato explain in English・Degree of progress 2・second part

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Questions to articles are also acceptable.





In Japan, "In the past, that was the main time" as what is spoken about harassment and so on, even in those days, it was against the rules, but "昔はそれをしてもよかった"(mukashi-ha-sore-wo-shite-mo-yokatta)"in the old days it was OK to do it," and "now it is pointed out by the term "○○" *○○ is a fixed name, and "モラハラ"(mora-hara) and "カスハラ"(kasu-hara) are included in ○○.".

It is spoken of with the perception that it is just a fad.


I feel that people's awareness of harassment and other issues in Japan has improved to some extent over the past 10 years up until this year.





Aside from that.


This article writing is based on the ver.θ(ver0.70).



❕[華奢とか余計](kyasya-toka-yokei) 's 「華奢」 means having a slender and elegant body, and ベイ助 says that レイベ's comment about 「華奢」 is unnecessary.


❕[なかなか](nakanaka) does not mean "very abundant". It means greater than "a little".


Out of nowhere, a boy named チーター(cheetah) appears, whose dialogue is written in Kansai dialect.


❕[いったぁ](ittaxa) can also be pronounced in the same way as ``went'', but it is said to mean ``it hurts''.
In Japanese「行った-ぁ」 , and 「痛い」 becomes colloquial and 「い」 changes, 「っ」 has been added to 「いた-ぁ」.


チーター says that they have to be equal, and immediately after that, チーター's side becomes more numerous.

❕Just before that, チーター says that the current situation where they are not equal is unreasonable.


It is unclear whether he was able to appreciate the soccer broadcast.


❕[てめえコラ](temee-kora) it is not "hello". It is a word of anger toward the other person.

「コラ」 is an abbreviation for collage, and can also be interpreted as saying that the other person is saying it is a collage.



❕There we use 「yatsu」 for multiple weapons.


You can definitely get a short sword called ミスリルダガー(Mithril Dagger) here.


❕[持っていくかな。](motte-iku-kana-.)  レイベ selects a weapon.

[後は大した武器ねえや](atoha-taishita-buki-nee-ya) seems like the rest of the weapons aren't that big of a deal.


❕レイベ wants you to add something to an arsenal, not, wanted them to get permission from the レイベ before taking it out.


❕レイベ tolerates to taking the weapon without permission.


❕Don't get discouraged, not, don't let your guard down.


Returning to エウル


When you enter the city, an event will occur forcibly, and you will be reunited with ライ太 and have a conversation about ベイ助's actions.


❕It makes you worry more and spoils the atmosphere of your trip. ベイ助's theory.


❕ベイ助 wants to solve his own problems by himself.


❕It would have been better to consult, for, will probably.


Although the opinions of ベイ助 and those other than ベイ助 do not agree, after ベイ助 explained why he didn't seek advice, everyone seemed to understand ベイ助's situation.




The front cave can be reached by inserting a lever hidden in a tree in the タイダ山脈.




After defeating the boss and moving forward, the four of them will look around the scenery.


❕It's not "right there" but "that area a little further back".


❕[え、えと……](e,-eto-……) is "wel,well......"


❕[え、えっとね。](e,-etto-ne-.) is "le,let me see."



It's very complicated so be careful not to get lost.


Moreover, new facilities will be implemented in the next version by overwriting the land that has already been created.


To get to the meeting place, go one map up, and at the point where the troop members are, go right to the point where another member of the troop is, which is the building above.



❕[なんかなぁ](nankanaxa) is "kinda".


[短気](tanki,short tempered) after, two texts will be automatically sent.


❕[いい加減にしろよ](iikagen-ni-shiro-yo) is "cut it out". [もったいぶって](mottaibutte) refers to the person who treats 「勿体無い」(mottai-nai,mottainai/too good to waste) in such a way.


❕[それを見込まれて](sore-wo-mikomare-te) is expecting. エレイ's abilities were purchased by レイユ's army.


❕[みんなウルフの兵器をな](minna-urufu-no-heiki-wo-na) Several レイユs did (saw) the weapons that ウルフ species's  had. That's what it means.


❕[そんなこと言ってても仕方ないか](sonna-koto-itte-te-mo-shikatanai-ka) has no effect even if it remains in the state in which it is said. That's what it feels like.


After the conversation event with エレイ and the others, go down the stairs and go down the stairs in the upper right corner to reach エレイ.



❕[きっとこのつもりでいるんだろう](kitto-kono-tsumori-de-iru-n-darou) is the prediction that Wolf's army intends to do so.


❕[まぁ、そういうことになるな。](maxa,-souiukoto-ninaru-na.) is "yeah, that's right.". It is a contradictory phrase in Japanese, this doesn't seem to be a "don't let it happen" command.


❕[まだしも](madashimo) is "rather". The ones listed have a low impact.


Divide the members into two groups of 2.
First, choose where ベイ助 will go.
Next, select the character that will accompany ベイ助.

The selection method is not to choose two characters to send to the レインレール.


The 2 characters who advance to グライド(Guraido) cannot be operated during Degree of progress 3.


Unequipped belongings seem to be shared even though they are separated.




In the scene where you walk inside テイジュ and head to the port,The text will be sent automatically.

In the next issue, i will explain from Degree of progress 3.






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In addition to the content of your comment, what will be published is the nickname you entered, the time of posting, and the はてなスター you received.



『woddupu’s diary』 will not reprint your comment.

Bokuranofurusato explain in English・Degree of progress 1・second part & Degree of progress 2・first part

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Questions to articles are also acceptable.





If the data to be downloaded contains materials that have been used in violation of the terms of use, contrary to the original intention,
Naturally, if it is downloaded, it will multiply.


For the sake of not only the drafters, but also those who distribute and download the data, I would like them to avoid including such things in the data.


It would be fine if it wasn't included in ボクらの故郷, but if it was, it would pollute the entire downloaded data.



Customers who are requesting something that violates the rules may be doing so because they don't know the rules or want to do something regardless of the rules.

Sometimes we do it because we can't control our urges and desires, sometimes it's a necessary evil, and sometimes we do it carelessly.


Impulses and desires are like master keys that allow you to skip your own rules.


I feel that wanting to do whatever you want without regard to the terms of service has something in common with students who continue to disrupt public morals even though they know it is a violation of school rules.




Aside from that.


This article writing is based on the ver.θ(ver0.70).



When explaining the savepoint, if you put ベイ助 in the lead, he will say that it is okay, but this is not a statement that affects the system.


Brown pileus mushrooms are the mushrooms collected in this mushroom hunting. It will grow again when it leaves the きのこ林 and comes again. Even after defeating the boss, you can still get the mushrooms.


If you go to the map after crossing the waterfall with a bridge, the event will start, and you will have to progress a lot in the game to get back here.


❕[あん?](an?) is one word that a thug would say.


レインレール小学校(Rain rail-syougakkou,Rain rail Elementary School)


When ベイ助 and クー太 leave the classroom, they are automatically texted until ベイ助 is called by the teacher.


Goal is to go to the staff room to the left of the first floor (he is on the first floor at the start of the action) and talk to エレイ.


The content written on the poster in the classroom is one of the first floors.

❕In Japan, there is a culture of writing without using kanji that the target age has not yet learned, so it is written in hiragana in some places. Greetings are meant to be cheerful.


There is a training center at the back of the staff room.
❕The man in the center of the room says he struggles if he downplays his status ailments.



❕エレイ's statement that ユルア is a magical genius, the influence of the wings is not definitive. "-か"(-ka) means that the person knows the truth of the object for the first time, but in this context, it means guessing.



After the scene where the two children go around ベイ助, they are automatically texted until ナーハイ calls them.


❕At home at night, ベイ助 says that not knowing what to believe is still a process at this time.




The ship is attacked, but ベイ助 manages to survive.


A レイベ(reibe) leads a troop of orphans, divided into the 第1部隊(dai-ichi-butai) and the 第2部隊(dai-ni-butai).
Each orphan is called 1号(ichi-gou) or 2号(ni-gou).



❕[よくそんなんで第1部隊に上がれたな](yoku-sonnan-de-dai-ichi-butai-ni-agareta-na) is not a positive reaction.

Even though 1号 forgot the incident that occurred, 1号 was promoted. is a fact.


❕レイベ said to 1号 [おまえ、いいや。](omae-,-ii-ya-.) feels sorry for 1号 and leaves it to someone else to answer, but it shouldn't be an expression that completely negates 1号.


レイベ angrily attacks ベイ助, not for not keeping his promise to エレイ, but for his lack of manliness.


❕[おまえだけは助かってくれって?](omae-dake-wa-tasukatte-kure-tte-?) means that the レイベ is not asking for help. He's talking about ユルア's opinion that at least ベイ助 should survive.


❕[へったくれ](hettakure) is an expression that insults and makes light of it. レイベ is giving an opinion that makes light of the situation.


After receiving the answer that he is 男気(otokogi,manly/chivalrous spirit), レイベ completely changes his feelings and becomes friends with ベイ助.


❕[しつもん](shitsumon)→質問. It's not "do it". It's "question".



If you select ”うーん、よくわかんないや”(ūn-,-yokuwakannai-ya,Hmm, I don't detail understand), if you send レイベ into battle as is, you can find out that you cannot select ”多段斬り”(tadan-giri).



レイベ's house is located at the below of the building where weapons and tools are sold, below the girl who talks about cooking and washing dishes that have no effect on the game, and above the cemetery.

9 types of events will occur, which will change depending on the placement of the members participating in the battle. The event only happens once.




In this work, there are must-visit spots and sightseeing spots that are not essential.
In this serialization of articles, I will write an overview of all the spots that can be reached by acquiring a ship.
Therefore, there are no towns or dungeons that can be entered before reaching Degree of progress 6 that are not mentioned in this serialization of articles.


エウルの洞窟(euru-no-doukutsu,Cave of Euru)


You will automatically get one 聖水 here.

❕It will not be used automatically. He says it's a present for ベイ助.


If you select ”知らないなぁ……”(shiranai-naxa……,not sure about), the レイベ will teach you about magic and 聖水.



Furthermore, it seems that the weaker the magic, the less experience points are required to learn it.
By the way, until ver0.60, there was a bug where characters with 0 HP at the time of battle victory would also progress in learning.



❕[ちげえよ](chigee-yo) is "different".


❕In addition to 男気 and battle, Regard ベイ助's choosing of the aisle, ベイ助 says it's [そんなことも](sonna-koto-mo).

[いじわる](ijiwaru)→意地悪. "pick on".


❕[あっ、や、そっちじゃ……](axtsu,-ya,-socchi-jya-……) is a line from レイベ who is in a hurry to tell him that it is not the correct answer.


❕[あ、あのさ。](a,-ano-sa-.) is ベイ助's line to convey "you know what".


❕[そういうとこなのかぁ](souiu-toko-nano-kaxa) is the zone as described for the zone, If anything, ベイ助 is disappointed.

「toko」 means place and scene, and 「koto」 means thing.





In the next issue,I'll start writing from the boss fight in エウルの洞窟.






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In addition to the content of your comment, what will be published is the nickname you entered, the time of posting, and the はてなスター you received.



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Bokuranofurusato explain in English・Degree of progress 1・first part

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Questions to articles are also acceptable.





ユルア(yurua) is the mother of ベイ助. In the game, she is referred to as 「母ちゃん」(kaacyan,mom). The notation in this blog will be ユルア.
ナーハイ(nāhai) is the father of ポン太(ponta), who becomes a companion from Degree of progress 5. In many scenes in the game, he is referred to as ポン太の父ちゃん(ponta-no-toucyan,Ponta's daddy). The notation in this blog will be ナーハイ.




For texts that must be done and some texts,I will explain the texts that I have retranslated, which resulted in a grossly incorrect translation, with [❕].



Japanese is a language in which verbs do not change depending on the subject, so translation can lead to mistakes in what is being referred to.


But in ボクらの故郷, you may not have to worry too much about who you are referring to in each text.

This series is supposed to be played while translating the ボクらの故郷 text, though, It may be OK to proceed somewhat by referring to this series. It is supposed that this is not a material for learning exact Japanese.




This time we will explain the main game and battle operations.



This article writing is based on the ver.θ(ver0.70).

Title screen


Selecting ”初めから”(hajime-kara) will start from the beginning of the story. If you do not perform a save operation, you will not lose any saved data.


”続きから”(tsuduki-kara) is Load data.


Selecting ”おわる”(owaru) will close the game.




The difficulty levels differ only in the ability values of the enemies and the techniques they use.
Even on EASY, if you are not careful, enemies will knock you down and the Game over.
A higher difficulty level than HARD may be implemented in the final version.



If you select ”オープニングをスキップ”(ōpuningu-wo-sukippu,Skip Opening), you can start from where you parted with classmate クー太(kūta).


The message is sent automatically until ユルア's remark about of hers body cold.

The story of ボクらの故郷 seems to be that ベイ助 does the narrates and the main story is a recollection.



At the grave marker, the family name of the ベイ助 family is ハイユ(haiyu), and a unique calendar is used,You will know at this time.


For your information, 行年(gyounen) and 享年(kyounen) are sometimes used for both full age and east asian age reckoning.Particularly,享年,the number of,full age,in the numbers of,is unfortunately customary...there are many.
It is not known whether the age of 32 years in テュラ(texyura) is a full age or a east asian age reckoning.


❕ユルア speaks テュラ to do nothing of concern and to sleep peacefully in this place of peace.



❕[じょうだんじゃないよ](jyoudanjyanaiyo) there, don't want to bend to his will.it is used to mean "no joke".


❕While ベイ助 takes his homework seriously, クー太 himself answers that he rarely does his homework.


レインレール(Rain rail)


Parted with クー太, ベイ助 decides to go mushroom hunting, action becomes possible.


レインレール has 5 outdoor maps: the point where free movement is now possible, West Town, East Town, and 2 more, for a total of 5.



❕Mr. エレイ(erei) and ナーハイ are walking, ベイ助 says [あれ](are,oh), call out to ライ太(raita) that it is over there.


❕When he sees Mr. エレイ leaving, ベイ助 remarks that he is young. I think the translation refers to ライ太, but it is エレイ to whom ベイ助 is referring.


ライ太 suggests that ライ太 will go to ベイ助's house, but ベイ助 suggests that ベイ助 will go to ライ太's house, as for the story line, ベイ助 gathers at ライ太's house.


クー太 is boarding in the house that was shown when he saw エレイ and ナーハイ.
Conversations there are no longer possible when ベイ助 returns home.


❕クー太 responds that since the キーア do not understand magic, it is better to go to a place such as レインレール, where they are more familiar with magic, so that they will be more competent.


❕ベイ助's siblings do not appear in this work.A brother exists in クー太.



The house seen to the east of ベイ助's house is ポン太 and ナーハイ's house.


❕[りょうかいで~す。](ryoukai-de~su.) is soften phrase "roger that", is a casual vocalization.



After leaving the school bag at home, this is a conversation event with ポン太, レーラ(rēra), and ベイ太(beita).


❕[わりぃな](warixina) is "feel bad".



This is a conversation event with ルゥ(ruxu) at ライ太's house.


❕For some reason 得意(tokui) is hiragana. ルゥ is good at making boat etc.

❕[結構な人数](kekkouna-ninzuu) means a large number of people,ルゥ has stated that this would be the case.

❕Just before ライ太 joins, ルゥ says that she will not go mushroom hunting herself, but that she is in favor of it.




In a conversation with a man in town, he mentions チメグサ(chimegusa,Patrinia), which must be the タイダ山脈(taida-sammyaku,taida-Mountains range), where ベイ助 and his friends will later go.


The women inside the tourist information counter do not move to a position where conversation is possible.


You will not be able to enter レインレールラーメン(Rain rail-ramen) even if you advance in the game.



At きのこ林(mean・Mushrooms woods) as well as you can harvest mushrooms from the back of an old man's hut, where he says it is more dangerous to be unarmed, same goes, the enemy appears.


When the HP of all members participating in the battle reaches 0, the Game over even if the members not participating in the battle survive, and the game will return to the title screen and start over from the save point.


The windows displaying コマンド selections and techniques learned in battle victories are arranged from top to bottom.


For techniques that require the selection of the target, place the cursor on the person you wish to hit. For techniques that can hit the entire target, Shift can be used to switch between them.


During battle, It can be used from the アイテム コマンド, 聖水 is released as a one-time technique and is consumed. Items and magic MP are consumed even if they do not work.


Once the % is accumulated, the character can press Shift when his/her turn comes and use unique techniques.

As the number of types increases, you will be able to accumulate more percentages, and the hundredth place will be represented by an icon.



The enemy side also seems to act by the same rules, except that they can only select magic even if they do not have enough MP.


The name of the enemy's technique is not displayed for normal attacks and only for a short while for other techniques.





In the next issue,Writing the continuation of Degree of progress 1.






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Click on the 「コメントを書く」(komento-wo-kaku,write a comment) below the article to open the input page.

Click on the 「投稿する」(toukou-suru,post) to publish.


In addition to the content of your comment, what will be published is the name you entered, the time of posting, and the はてなスター you received.



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Bokuranofurusato explain in English・How to obtain and controls

*Please contact us in advance if you wish to reprint an article, regardless of whether it is permanent/temporary. This is because we would like to confirm the content of use.





Questions to articles are also acceptable.






Even if they appear to be your fans, That fan may despise behavior you.


When you examine the person's usual conduct,In some cases, we can feel a reason to be despise,It is easy to understand, especially if the other party explains a perversion against you about your deeds.


When you want to have a conversation with that person, ask, "If this person despise himself or herself, would this person be offended by this?"keeping this in mind will help reduce incidents.




Aside from that,This time, I will explain how to obtain 『ボクらの故郷』 and how to use it.



This article writing is based on the ver.θ(ver0.70).

Distribution page

ボクらの故郷 is made of RPGツクール2000廉価版(ārupījītsukūru-nisen-renkaban,Japanese version RPG Maker 2000 low-cost version).




This is the URL for category ”RPGツクール2000-作品”.


 『ボクらの故郷(Greek letters)版ver(Version number)』

and the article is the distribution page for that version,

「OurBirthplace_”version number”.zip - Googleドライブ」 is written, and clicking it will open the Google Drive screen.If you download that folder on that screen, you will get the ボクらの故郷.


It's a zip folder, so you need to unzip it.


No registration is required and no charge to play.


Open "RPG_RT.exe" and the game will start.


There seems to be no problem with uninstalling just by deleting the folder.


RPGツクール2000 is RTP(rantaimupakkēji,Runtime Packages (Materials for playing)) If it is a bundled game,there is no need to separately install RPGツクール2000 production tools or RTP.


Because it's RPG. attribute

ボクらの故郷 has the attributes of  無(mu,normal), 炎(honoo,flame), 氷(koori,ice), 風 (kaze,wind), 地(chi,ground), 聖(sei,holy), and 闇(yami,darkness).


Except for the 無 attribute, attacks of the same attribute as the defender will restore the defender's HP.



The protagonists are 無 attribute,but
Magic has attributes, and the attributes can be changed by 装備品(soubihin,accessories),described below.


Keys used and their basic output


The key written to the left most will be used for notation in this blog.


The leftmost key can be substituted by the keys to its right. The NumLock key does not relate by this software.


Z/Enter/Space......Look at・Decision
C/Esc/X/V/B/N/0 on numeric keypad......Open the menu. ・Cancel
Shift......Special operations.
down on Arrow keys/2 on numeric keypad/J......move down
left on Arrow keys/4 on numeric keypad/H......move left
right on Arrow keys/6 on numeric keypad/L......move right
up on Arrow keys/8 on numeric keypad/K......move up
F4......Full screen
F5......Screen magnification
F12......Software reset


At game startup, It depends on your monitor,

The game screen is displayed closer to the center of the screen, The game screen displays in full screen in a manner that does not maintain the aspect ratio.


You can switch between full screen or window mode with F4.



When in window mode, the window size can be toggled with F5.



F12 is the reset button. It will reset in an instant. Do not be careless.


Open the menu and it turns


On the left side, you can see your fellow characters and proceed to adjusting each character.


The 4 members who participate in the battle and the 6 members who do not participate in the battle are,This is where you will decide on the placement.

If you have less than 10 characters in your group, you can rearrange them directly by selecting the empty space.




”アイテム”(Item) will contain the tools that you acquire on your adventures. These tools can be sold at the store, but cannot be discarded.




”セーブ”(Save) opens a save screen for saving. You can save up to 15 files.


Only files with the extension ”.lsd” are relevant for loading saved data.
So, if you move the files to a folder unrelated to the ボクらの故郷, you can save more than 16 files,It is possible to transfer to another version.

On the screen for selecting a file to save, you can also cancel the save.
Be careful, as it is difficult to tell whether you have saved or canceled.



It appears as a glowing wand in an unimplemented city, if you want to save using 「苦肉の策くん」(kunikunosaku-kun), After selecting 「セーブ」, without making a move, open the menu and select ”セーブ” select the file you wish to save.




”ゲーム終了”(gēmusyuuryou,quit the game) to select to the title screen without saving.




The up/down operation loops between the beginning and the end. Left and right operations are 14 items (1 page) each.



”回復”(kaifuku,recovery) contains tools for recovering HP and MP, which can be used on characters from here.


”能力値UP”(nouryokuchiappu,increased ability values) contains tools to increase the ability value of the character, which can be used on characters from here.


”装備品” contains equipment to be worn by the character.



”聖水”(seisui) contains beverages for learning techniques, called 聖水 in the work, which can be used on characters from here.

It cannot be used on a character with 0 HP.

There are three levels of attack magic for each attribute, but the higher level can be learned first.


Magic will be available when the % of ”習得中”(syuutokucyuu,mastering) reaches 100%.

コマンド(komando,commands) will be available without any learning period.



”マップアイテム”(mappuaitemu,items used in the map) contains other manual tools.

ヒールパール(heal pearl) enters here.


When you select 世界地図(sekaichizu,global map), you can move your cursor to know the name of the city or dungeon. It is not consumed.



キーアイテム(kīaitemu,Key Items) will contain the tools on the event.


Character Adjustment


It is not possible to change equipment and コマンド during battle.

Make adjustments to balance the attributes and roles that each member of the team will perform in the battle.



”魔法”(mahou,majic) shows both 回復系(kaifukukei,recovery lineage) and 攻撃系(kougekikei,attack lineage) magics, and if your HP is not 0, you can use 回復系 magic.


If you use エスケープ(escape), you will escape from the dungeon.



”装備”(soubi,outfit), you can see the amount of experience you have gained and the ability values you have written,
It is an 装備品 武器(buki,weapon), 防具(bougu,armor) and 装飾品 can be equipped.


Higher the 攻撃力(kougekiryoku,attack power), the more damage you can inflict with physical techniques.
Higher the 防御力(bougyoryoku,defense strength), the less damage you receive.
Higher the 精神力(seishinryoku,Mental Strength), the more damage you can do with magic.
Higher 敏捷性(binsyousei,agility), the faster and the more actions you can take.


The 小柄(kogara,smallish)/中位(mean・medium)/大柄(oogara,large) label represents the standard equipment that can be equipped, by character, ダガーシールド(dagger shield) can be equipped, but not 短端の盾(mean・Short End Shield).

Of the 装備品, only 装飾品 can be equipped by all.


Press Shift to remove 装備品.



The ”コマンド” is a technique to accumulate % and release it during the battle in addition to confirming, and you can also replace the commands.
The ”Lv.” in the upper left corner indicates the level of power of the technique to be released by accumulating %.


Press Shift to remove コマンド.

Only ”逃げる”(nigeru,running) cannot be removed.


”攻撃”(kougeki,attack) is the normal attack. Attributes vary depending on the equipment.
Use ”防御”(bougyo,defense) on turns when you don't want to do anything in particular.
”調べる”(shiraberu,go into) gives you information about the enemy, such as ability values.
Use ”溜める”(tameru,accumulate) to increase the current value of %.


”並べ替え”(narabekae,rearrange) is an operation that changes the placement of characters.


Caution required


It is sometimes possible to open the menu even when the screen is completely dark, such as between conversations or when entering a town.


If you close the menu or open the save screen, the screen will become visible, but because you do not know what is happening,
If the screen is dark but you can still operate the cursor, press C to close it.




If your computer goes to sleep, the game will not resume normally when you wake it from sleep, and you will lose any unsaved content.


Please be careful not to put your computer to sleep.




If you find yourself in a situation where there is no possibility of winning the battle because you cannot afford lodging, do not have enough recovery items, or do not have the recovery technique in time, you will not be able to proceed with the game. Please be careful when saving.




If you advance the game to the end of the created progression, you can save the game at the end.

If you load a saved file in that version, you will be returned to the title screen without being able to do anything.

So prepare for unfinished business,Save before the degree of progress expires and do not overwrite the file.

Basically, a progression expires when you complete the goals you set at the beginning of that Degree of progress.




When using Hourglass, a TAS production tool, do not perform a normal save operation, as this will corrupt the save file, which cannot be loaded either when using Hourglass or when not using Hourglass.

Performing a state save of the Hourglass function seems to result in a blue screen and a forced restart of the computer itself.



There is a problem with ver.θ that takes a long time to load, but cannot be resolved by using the Fast-Forward feature.





In the next issue, we will explain the main game and battle operations.






You do not need to log in to 『woddupu’s diary』 to write comments.

Click on the 「コメントを書く」(komento-wo-kaku,write a comment) below the article to open the input page.

Click on the 「投稿する」(toukou-suru,post) to publish.


In addition to the content of your comment, what will be published is the name you entered, the time of posting, and the はてなスター you received.



『woddupu’s diary』 will not reprint your comment.

Bokuranofurusato explain in English・basic information

*Please contact us in advance if you wish to reprint an article, regardless of whether it is permanent/temporary. This is because we would like to confirm the content of use.





Questions to articles are also acceptable.





If you have talked about busy and not-so-busy times, others will come to perceive those relatively unbusy times as opportunities to ask for favors,They tend to perceive the busy season as a recharge period for asking for favors. Even during the non-busy season, you can still be busy.Hard to get them to follow the degree of busyness...


It's just difficult to live a life where you get your energy from your best friend and force yourself to do your day job.



Aside from that, I am をっづぷ(woddupu),a fan of Mr.フェルミウム湾(fermium-wan).


Starting from this article, the game 『ボクらの故郷』(bokura-no-furusato) by Mr.フェルミウム湾 will be explained in English.

We plan to create up to Degree of progress 5 where the fictitious language appears.


When I told Mr.フェルミウム湾 that I wanted to write this, he seemed to be pleasantly surprised.


Since English is a major language, we decided to write in English.



I and Mr.フェルミウム湾 write blog posts on a service called はてなブログ.


Some texts in the text may be links to Japanese commentary.

The page whose URL ends with the domain is the top page of each user.


If 『woddupu’s diary』, the top page displays the 7 most recent articles.
In the case of 『RPGツクールと数学のブログ』, ”TOP PAGE” appears on the top page.

"TOP PAGE" was posted two years ago, although the posting date and time are in the distant future.



Clicking on the name of an article, such as in the 最新記事(saishin-kiji,Latest Articles) column, will take you to that page.

The 「« ”Article name”」 and 「”Article name” »」 buttons at the bottom of the article page allow you to move forward or backward through the article one by one.



What is the meaning of the woddupu’s diary written just below the 「登録コメ便にて手動ログを。※それはR4十月分をもって終了」?
I had been manually collecting and publishing records of my writings and operations under the title 「登録・コメント 更新便」(touroku・komento kousim-bin,Registration and commenting update letter),
The collection was made until October 2022 and the articles were submitted until March 2023.The two most recent cases are only partially published, not all.




はてなスター(Hatena-Star) is a feature that allows users to send likes to はてなブログ articles and their comments.
They are published in order of input/output, and a user can give more than one.


What is ボクらの故郷

This article writing is based on the ver.θ(ver0.70).



ボクらの故郷 is a role-playing game that Mr.フェルミウム湾 has been creating since 2011 and gradually publishing since 2013.


The kanji 故郷 is originally read as こきょう(kokyou), although it is more like こきょう. However, the reading ふるさと(furusato) is conventionally used.



There are plans to change the logo in the next version.
「Our Birthplace」 on the logo may be changed as we are struggling to convey the meaning of our hometown.



The Pedometer-based Encounters is used. In addition, a tendency is arbitrarily added that the center of the threshold range of steps is easy to produce and both ends of the threshold range are difficult to produce.



The game software is not released by updating the download page to release the latest version, but by separating the download page for each version.

The contents of the download are also not overwritten when another version is downloaded, but are treated as separate software.


You can play ver0.50 and ver0.51 up to Degree of progress 5 and ver0.60 up to Degree of progress 6.
You can check up to which Degree of progress you have progressed in the game by the number on the left of the saved data.



The story is an adventure in which a war begins on an Earth-like planet, and gradually we are confronted by enemy forces.


The name of the planet is ハイバーハ(Highbahfa), and its name appears later in the story, but the people of Highbahfa do not seem to know its name.


Humans in ハイバーハ are primarily レイユ族(reiyu-zoku,reiyu species), キーア族 (kīa-zoku,kīa species), and ウルフ族 (urufu-zoku,urufu species). No earthling characters are seen, and no earthling beings are seen to fit into the society.



There seems to be a reason why the main character, ベイ助(baysuke), speaks in honorifics in narrates scenes and in most scenes with facial graphic, he speaks in Casual talks.

The first person in ベイ助 is オイラ(oira).
However, after winning the Degree of progress 1 boss, the first person is ボク(boku) in conversation with the teacher and uses honorifics. This is thought to be based on Japanese culture, which uses honorifics for teachers and ボク for the first person of boys.




The theme is ふるさと and you will gradually feel what hometown is.

*As mentioned above, the English word Birthplace which means ふるさと in the title logo is subject to change.




The rendering of a characters hidings in terrain is a contrivance in the behavior of the terrain map chips.

It is a that is probably done for visibility.


It is a point that you might think is obvious.






In the next issue, we will explain how to obtain and operates it.




You do not need to log in to 『woddupu’s diary』 to write comments.


Click on the 「コメントを書く」(komento-wo-kaku,write a comment) below the article to open the input page.

Click on the 「投稿する」(toukou-suru,post) to publish.


In addition to the content of your comment, what will be published is the name you entered, the time of posting, and the はてなスター you received.


『woddupu’s diary』 will not reprint your comment.

メイ 生コメ集・私の絵・心・性格と責任・リテラシーの初心に立ち返る感じ



482コメ人の別れは破綻を待たなくてもいいものよ 155030


(リスナー)の場合はそうか 私の事は苦笑いでもしてて下されば十分よ 10241地点


仕事疲れとか眠気とか来るから、作品のリリースは月末を避けて延期するようにね 141512

人々との、友達・親友との。協力も否定も、頻度を気にするより使いどころなのだ 142955


キャラを動かす・動向を見るのもエンタメ。それを(放送主)忘れて、 25337地点

(制作しては古くなってまた制作って物で、)しんどくしてないか心配。 25357地点


わくわくが(放送主)全体の遅滞の口実になってるぞ 11515地点

(放送主)咳してるんだから干渉すべき業界ではないのだ... 13825地点

塗り始めたからってこだわりな^^;;;; 24031地点

好きを苦労の口実に... 30757地点

平等って入れる対象よくありそうな問題よなあ、 31641地点

肝心なのは(放送主)ならではで活動できるかだ 31652地点

「だけ」、なかなか難しい言葉だ 35237地点










































(ローカル)メイ 生コメ集






















レイユもふもふは最早(リスナー)の専門^^ 私はこれにて~







何も無くなりはしないぞ それにそこが空いてても問題感じない














ゲーム実況者へ 企画倒れなのに完結してほしいとか、長くなるのにシリーズ物を続けてやってほしいとかいう無理ある実況活動、そこからも発想。