woddupu’s diary


Bokuranofurusato explain in English・How to obtain and controls

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Even if they appear to be your fans, That fan may despise behavior you.


When you examine the person's usual conduct,In some cases, we can feel a reason to be despise,It is easy to understand, especially if the other party explains a perversion against you about your deeds.


When you want to have a conversation with that person, ask, "If this person despise himself or herself, would this person be offended by this?"keeping this in mind will help reduce incidents.




Aside from that,This time, I will explain how to obtain 『ボクらの故郷』 and how to use it.



This article writing is based on the ver.θ(ver0.70).

Distribution page

ボクらの故郷 is made of RPGツクール2000廉価版(ārupījītsukūru-nisen-renkaban,Japanese version RPG Maker 2000 low-cost version).




This is the URL for category ”RPGツクール2000-作品”.


 『ボクらの故郷(Greek letters)版ver(Version number)』

and the article is the distribution page for that version,

「OurBirthplace_”version number”.zip - Googleドライブ」 is written, and clicking it will open the Google Drive screen.If you download that folder on that screen, you will get the ボクらの故郷.


It's a zip folder, so you need to unzip it.


No registration is required and no charge to play.


Open "RPG_RT.exe" and the game will start.


There seems to be no problem with uninstalling just by deleting the folder.


RPGツクール2000 is RTP(rantaimupakkēji,Runtime Packages (Materials for playing)) If it is a bundled game,there is no need to separately install RPGツクール2000 production tools or RTP.


Because it's RPG. attribute

ボクらの故郷 has the attributes of  無(mu,normal), 炎(honoo,flame), 氷(koori,ice), 風 (kaze,wind), 地(chi,ground), 聖(sei,holy), and 闇(yami,darkness).


Except for the 無 attribute, attacks of the same attribute as the defender will restore the defender's HP.



The protagonists are 無 attribute,but
Magic has attributes, and the attributes can be changed by 装備品(soubihin,accessories),described below.


Keys used and their basic output


The key written to the left most will be used for notation in this blog.


The leftmost key can be substituted by the keys to its right. The NumLock key does not relate by this software.


Z/Enter/Space......Look at・Decision
C/Esc/X/V/B/N/0 on numeric keypad......Open the menu. ・Cancel
Shift......Special operations.
down on Arrow keys/2 on numeric keypad/J......move down
left on Arrow keys/4 on numeric keypad/H......move left
right on Arrow keys/6 on numeric keypad/L......move right
up on Arrow keys/8 on numeric keypad/K......move up
F4......Full screen
F5......Screen magnification
F12......Software reset


At game startup, It depends on your monitor,

The game screen is displayed closer to the center of the screen, The game screen displays in full screen in a manner that does not maintain the aspect ratio.


You can switch between full screen or window mode with F4.



When in window mode, the window size can be toggled with F5.



F12 is the reset button. It will reset in an instant. Do not be careless.


Open the menu and it turns


On the left side, you can see your fellow characters and proceed to adjusting each character.


The 4 members who participate in the battle and the 6 members who do not participate in the battle are,This is where you will decide on the placement.

If you have less than 10 characters in your group, you can rearrange them directly by selecting the empty space.




”アイテム”(Item) will contain the tools that you acquire on your adventures. These tools can be sold at the store, but cannot be discarded.




”セーブ”(Save) opens a save screen for saving. You can save up to 15 files.


Only files with the extension ”.lsd” are relevant for loading saved data.
So, if you move the files to a folder unrelated to the ボクらの故郷, you can save more than 16 files,It is possible to transfer to another version.

On the screen for selecting a file to save, you can also cancel the save.
Be careful, as it is difficult to tell whether you have saved or canceled.



It appears as a glowing wand in an unimplemented city, if you want to save using 「苦肉の策くん」(kunikunosaku-kun), After selecting 「セーブ」, without making a move, open the menu and select ”セーブ” select the file you wish to save.




”ゲーム終了”(gēmusyuuryou,quit the game) to select to the title screen without saving.




The up/down operation loops between the beginning and the end. Left and right operations are 14 items (1 page) each.



”回復”(kaifuku,recovery) contains tools for recovering HP and MP, which can be used on characters from here.


”能力値UP”(nouryokuchiappu,increased ability values) contains tools to increase the ability value of the character, which can be used on characters from here.


”装備品” contains equipment to be worn by the character.



”聖水”(seisui) contains beverages for learning techniques, called 聖水 in the work, which can be used on characters from here.

It cannot be used on a character with 0 HP.

There are three levels of attack magic for each attribute, but the higher level can be learned first.


Magic will be available when the % of ”習得中”(syuutokucyuu,mastering) reaches 100%.

コマンド(komando,commands) will be available without any learning period.



”マップアイテム”(mappuaitemu,items used in the map) contains other manual tools.

ヒールパール(heal pearl) enters here.


When you select 世界地図(sekaichizu,global map), you can move your cursor to know the name of the city or dungeon. It is not consumed.



キーアイテム(kīaitemu,Key Items) will contain the tools on the event.


Character Adjustment


It is not possible to change equipment and コマンド during battle.

Make adjustments to balance the attributes and roles that each member of the team will perform in the battle.



”魔法”(mahou,majic) shows both 回復系(kaifukukei,recovery lineage) and 攻撃系(kougekikei,attack lineage) magics, and if your HP is not 0, you can use 回復系 magic.


If you use エスケープ(escape), you will escape from the dungeon.



”装備”(soubi,outfit), you can see the amount of experience you have gained and the ability values you have written,
It is an 装備品 武器(buki,weapon), 防具(bougu,armor) and 装飾品 can be equipped.


Higher the 攻撃力(kougekiryoku,attack power), the more damage you can inflict with physical techniques.
Higher the 防御力(bougyoryoku,defense strength), the less damage you receive.
Higher the 精神力(seishinryoku,Mental Strength), the more damage you can do with magic.
Higher 敏捷性(binsyousei,agility), the faster and the more actions you can take.


The 小柄(kogara,smallish)/中位(mean・medium)/大柄(oogara,large) label represents the standard equipment that can be equipped, by character, ダガーシールド(dagger shield) can be equipped, but not 短端の盾(mean・Short End Shield).

Of the 装備品, only 装飾品 can be equipped by all.


Press Shift to remove 装備品.



The ”コマンド” is a technique to accumulate % and release it during the battle in addition to confirming, and you can also replace the commands.
The ”Lv.” in the upper left corner indicates the level of power of the technique to be released by accumulating %.


Press Shift to remove コマンド.

Only ”逃げる”(nigeru,running) cannot be removed.


”攻撃”(kougeki,attack) is the normal attack. Attributes vary depending on the equipment.
Use ”防御”(bougyo,defense) on turns when you don't want to do anything in particular.
”調べる”(shiraberu,go into) gives you information about the enemy, such as ability values.
Use ”溜める”(tameru,accumulate) to increase the current value of %.


”並べ替え”(narabekae,rearrange) is an operation that changes the placement of characters.


Caution required


It is sometimes possible to open the menu even when the screen is completely dark, such as between conversations or when entering a town.


If you close the menu or open the save screen, the screen will become visible, but because you do not know what is happening,
If the screen is dark but you can still operate the cursor, press C to close it.




If your computer goes to sleep, the game will not resume normally when you wake it from sleep, and you will lose any unsaved content.


Please be careful not to put your computer to sleep.




If you find yourself in a situation where there is no possibility of winning the battle because you cannot afford lodging, do not have enough recovery items, or do not have the recovery technique in time, you will not be able to proceed with the game. Please be careful when saving.




If you advance the game to the end of the created progression, you can save the game at the end.

If you load a saved file in that version, you will be returned to the title screen without being able to do anything.

So prepare for unfinished business,Save before the degree of progress expires and do not overwrite the file.

Basically, a progression expires when you complete the goals you set at the beginning of that Degree of progress.




When using Hourglass, a TAS production tool, do not perform a normal save operation, as this will corrupt the save file, which cannot be loaded either when using Hourglass or when not using Hourglass.

Performing a state save of the Hourglass function seems to result in a blue screen and a forced restart of the computer itself.



There is a problem with ver.θ that takes a long time to load, but cannot be resolved by using the Fast-Forward feature.





In the next issue, we will explain the main game and battle operations.






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