woddupu’s diary


Bokuranofurusato explain in English・Degree of progress 3・second part

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X : ZAIrxi


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This article writing is based on the ver.θ(ver0.70).

Searching for people


We see ベイ太 from the ベヒーモス族(behīmosu-zoku,Behemoth species) tribe.


❕ベイ太 when I saw ベイ太 [すぐ帰ります](sugu-kaeri-masu) ベイ太 returns to ベイ太's house


❕An ウルフ when I saw ベイ太 [割と稼ぎになる](warito-kasegi-ni-naru) does not say that you can get so much money that it is 「very profitable」.


❕An ウルフ when I saw ベイ太 [なんだまた](nanda-mata) [てめえらこそ図に乗るんじゃねえ](temee-ra-koso-zuninoru-njya-nee) Again, with disdain. I don't want you guys to be more on top of things.


❕ライ太 when ベイ太 joins him [いっつも誰かに 絡まれてるよね](ittsumo-dareka-ni- -karamare-teru-yone) mentioned that ベイ太 is always being played by someone all the time.


❕ベイ太 when ベイ太 joins him [そんなこと考えてるの!?い、いや、ぼくは遠慮しときます](sonna-koto-kangae-teru-no-!?-i,-iya-,-boku-wa-enryo-shi-toki-masu) Surprised by the 3, ベイ太 refrains.


❕ライ太 when ベイ太 joins him [もういちいち](mou-ichiichi) is against the will of ベイ太. However, we are not trying to stop him from speaking out.


❕ベイ太 when ベイ太 joins him [ひいいっ、そんなあー!](hiiixtsu,-sonna-ā-!) Grief that I hate


レーラ forced ベイ太 to join them.



If ベイ助 is there when you enter ベイ助's house, there will be the narrates. It was only natural that his mother was there.



❕An ウルフ [住んでみてえもんだな](sunde-mitee-mon-da-na) I wanted to live there



❕An ウルフ [おねんね! いいね?](onenne-!- -iine?) You go to sleep! Do you understand?



❕An adult レイユ [結構してるよ......逆らえば殴られる](kekkou-shi-teru-yo-…-…-sakara-eba-nagu-rareru) They do a lot of bad things…… if rebel, they hit.



❕An adult レイユ [遊んでるとこか。](aso-nde-ru-toko-ka.) This 「か。」 means convinced.



❕An ウルフ [こういう所の管理](kouiu-tokoro-no-kanri) refers not only to tourist information centers, but also to other places like that.



❕An ウルフ [このまま、ウルフが世界で一番の種族に](konomama-,-urufu-ga-sekai-de-ichiban-no-syuzoku-ni) said that it would be great if they could take first place at this rate. It is not about maintaining the number one position from before.



❕An adult レイユ [掘ってんじゃねえの](hotte-njyaneeno) is speaking in the sense of a digging forecast.



❕An adult レイユ [だけかもしれん](dake-kamoshiren) It may be limited to that.


❕An adult レイユ [それが](sorega) [帰るんじゃない?](kaeru-njyanai?) but The mayor's wife is expected to return home.



If you select ”あ!エレイさんの部隊でしょ!”(a!-erei-san-no-butai-desyo!,Ah! It's Mr. エレイ's troop, isn't it!) less often, you will receive a good quality reward.

Even if you answer incorrectly, events such as being attacked by the ウルフ's army will not occur.


❕[というかすごいな](toiuka-sugoi-na) if it was 4 times Come to think of it that's amazing


❕[出られないだろうからな](derarenai-daroukara-na) is not a definitive word, but a word that predicts that there will be no escape.



❕An adult レイユ [行こうぜ~。](ikouze-~-.) I want to go with you


I got in quietly



❕Superioress  She doesn't want to believe that [3日も掛かるの?](mikka-mo-kakaru-no?) takes 3 days.


❕「and others.」 is added to the Superioress's line. In the first line, they talk about improving the situation mentioned above and that it is time to gather together. It is thought that 「おいて」(oite) is redundant in the translation.



A ウルフ in the gym [掘削](kussaku) is digging without investigation. Parallel work of excavation and investigation without investigation.


A ウルフ in the gym [遺跡のようなものは僅かに](iseki-noyounamono-wa-wazuka-ni) There are only a few things that could be ruins.


❕Superioress in the gym [しかしとか、どうしようもないとか、](shikashi-toka-,-doushiyoumonai-toka-,) She specifically cited 「しかし」 and 「どうしようもない」 and expressed his dissatisfaction with the other person's remarks.



When you leave the gym, one text will be automatically sent to you.


❕An adult レイユ In [ほら、こいつをやるよ](hora,-koitsu-wo-yaru-yo), the adults were to look up the mine, but heading to the mine was entrusted to the controlled character, who was given the key as a gift.




❕[省みよ](kaerimi-yo), which is written on an old bulletin board, is not about being careful while working, but reflecting on it after work.


There is graffiti on the back, it is written that even if you build a stone ship, it will sink, so you are an idiot.


I can't help but be impressed by the big hole


❕An ウルフ [生意気な口叩いてられるのも](namaiki-na-kuchitatai-te-rareru-nomo) In addition to being energetic, he also has the ability to make cheeky comments.




If ベイ助 is present when you win the boss battle, there will be a narrates. After witnessing this, I really couldn't believe anything anymore.




❕girl [今だってちょっとだけ](ima-datte-cyottodake) The same is true in the present case, albeit to a lesser extent.


❕girl [二人だけで住むところ](futari-dake-de-sumu-tokoro) A place where only two people live.




❕「You did a lot of extra work for me」 It's more of a psychological quality than a quantity. I'm not saying this is a contribution to ウルフ.


❕ベイ太 doesn't accept his point and hates it.





In the next issue, i will explain from Degree of progress 4.




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