woddupu’s diary


Bokuranofurusato explain in English・Degree of progress 1・second part & Degree of progress 2・first part

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If the data to be downloaded contains materials that have been used in violation of the terms of use, contrary to the original intention,
Naturally, if it is downloaded, it will multiply.


For the sake of not only the drafters, but also those who distribute and download the data, I would like them to avoid including such things in the data.


It would be fine if it wasn't included in ボクらの故郷, but if it was, it would pollute the entire downloaded data.



Customers who are requesting something that violates the rules may be doing so because they don't know the rules or want to do something regardless of the rules.

Sometimes we do it because we can't control our urges and desires, sometimes it's a necessary evil, and sometimes we do it carelessly.


Impulses and desires are like master keys that allow you to skip your own rules.


I feel that wanting to do whatever you want without regard to the terms of service has something in common with students who continue to disrupt public morals even though they know it is a violation of school rules.




Aside from that.


This article writing is based on the ver.θ(ver0.70).



When explaining the savepoint, if you put ベイ助 in the lead, he will say that it is okay, but this is not a statement that affects the system.


Brown pileus mushrooms are the mushrooms collected in this mushroom hunting. It will grow again when it leaves the きのこ林 and comes again. Even after defeating the boss, you can still get the mushrooms.


If you go to the map after crossing the waterfall with a bridge, the event will start, and you will have to progress a lot in the game to get back here.


❕[あん?](an?) is one word that a thug would say.


レインレール小学校(Rain rail-syougakkou,Rain rail Elementary School)


When ベイ助 and クー太 leave the classroom, they are automatically texted until ベイ助 is called by the teacher.


Goal is to go to the staff room to the left of the first floor (he is on the first floor at the start of the action) and talk to エレイ.


The content written on the poster in the classroom is one of the first floors.

❕In Japan, there is a culture of writing without using kanji that the target age has not yet learned, so it is written in hiragana in some places. Greetings are meant to be cheerful.


There is a training center at the back of the staff room.
❕The man in the center of the room says he struggles if he downplays his status ailments.



❕エレイ's statement that ユルア is a magical genius, the influence of the wings is not definitive. "-か"(-ka) means that the person knows the truth of the object for the first time, but in this context, it means guessing.



After the scene where the two children go around ベイ助, they are automatically texted until ナーハイ calls them.


❕At home at night, ベイ助 says that not knowing what to believe is still a process at this time.




The ship is attacked, but ベイ助 manages to survive.


A レイベ(reibe) leads a troop of orphans, divided into the 第1部隊(dai-ichi-butai) and the 第2部隊(dai-ni-butai).
Each orphan is called 1号(ichi-gou) or 2号(ni-gou).



❕[よくそんなんで第1部隊に上がれたな](yoku-sonnan-de-dai-ichi-butai-ni-agareta-na) is not a positive reaction.

Even though 1号 forgot the incident that occurred, 1号 was promoted. is a fact.


❕レイベ said to 1号 [おまえ、いいや。](omae-,-ii-ya-.) feels sorry for 1号 and leaves it to someone else to answer, but it shouldn't be an expression that completely negates 1号.


レイベ angrily attacks ベイ助, not for not keeping his promise to エレイ, but for his lack of manliness.


❕[おまえだけは助かってくれって?](omae-dake-wa-tasukatte-kure-tte-?) means that the レイベ is not asking for help. He's talking about ユルア's opinion that at least ベイ助 should survive.


❕[へったくれ](hettakure) is an expression that insults and makes light of it. レイベ is giving an opinion that makes light of the situation.


After receiving the answer that he is 男気(otokogi,manly/chivalrous spirit), レイベ completely changes his feelings and becomes friends with ベイ助.


❕[しつもん](shitsumon)→質問. It's not "do it". It's "question".



If you select ”うーん、よくわかんないや”(ūn-,-yokuwakannai-ya,Hmm, I don't detail understand), if you send レイベ into battle as is, you can find out that you cannot select ”多段斬り”(tadan-giri).



レイベ's house is located at the below of the building where weapons and tools are sold, below the girl who talks about cooking and washing dishes that have no effect on the game, and above the cemetery.

9 types of events will occur, which will change depending on the placement of the members participating in the battle. The event only happens once.




In this work, there are must-visit spots and sightseeing spots that are not essential.
In this serialization of articles, I will write an overview of all the spots that can be reached by acquiring a ship.
Therefore, there are no towns or dungeons that can be entered before reaching Degree of progress 6 that are not mentioned in this serialization of articles.


エウルの洞窟(euru-no-doukutsu,Cave of Euru)


You will automatically get one 聖水 here.

❕It will not be used automatically. He says it's a present for ベイ助.


If you select ”知らないなぁ……”(shiranai-naxa……,not sure about), the レイベ will teach you about magic and 聖水.



Furthermore, it seems that the weaker the magic, the less experience points are required to learn it.
By the way, until ver0.60, there was a bug where characters with 0 HP at the time of battle victory would also progress in learning.



❕[ちげえよ](chigee-yo) is "different".


❕In addition to 男気 and battle, Regard ベイ助's choosing of the aisle, ベイ助 says it's [そんなことも](sonna-koto-mo).

[いじわる](ijiwaru)→意地悪. "pick on".


❕[あっ、や、そっちじゃ……](axtsu,-ya,-socchi-jya-……) is a line from レイベ who is in a hurry to tell him that it is not the correct answer.


❕[あ、あのさ。](a,-ano-sa-.) is ベイ助's line to convey "you know what".


❕[そういうとこなのかぁ](souiu-toko-nano-kaxa) is the zone as described for the zone, If anything, ベイ助 is disappointed.

「toko」 means place and scene, and 「koto」 means thing.





In the next issue,I'll start writing from the boss fight in エウルの洞窟.






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